webservice990407_sida4_web - Service Info Page

  webservice990407_sida4_web - PortTypes:
  • IAppServer [WSDL]
    • AS_ApplyUpdates
    • AS_GetRecords
    • AS_DataRequest
    • AS_GetProviderNames
    • AS_GetParams
    • AS_RowRequest
    • AS_Execute
  • IAppServerSOAP [WSDL]
    • SAS_ApplyUpdates
    • SAS_GetRecords
    • SAS_DataRequest
    • SAS_GetProviderNames
    • SAS_GetParams
    • SAS_RowRequest
    • SAS_Execute
  • IsoapDataModuleMain [WSDL]
    • SAS_ApplyUpdates
    • SAS_GetRecords
    • SAS_DataRequest
    • SAS_GetProviderNames
    • SAS_GetParams
    • SAS_RowRequest
    • SAS_Execute
  • Isida4_webservice_main [WSDL]
    • rrr
    • GetCertificateId_sahem
    • ExecProcInOut1
    • ExecProc4Select
    • GetP_sida
    • Fnsend_sms
    • getip_vahed_digit
    • get_proc
    • rrr_new
    • shenas_bank
    • send_data_to_gra
    • send_data_to_ican
    • send_attach_to_ican
    • sendsmsgroup
    • mobile_login_main
    • ctrl_p
    • Inquiry_from_u
    • InitKey
    • DecryptPrimarykey
    • ctrl_elec
    • ctrl_change_data_sign
    • update_data_sign
  • IWSDLPublish [WSDL]
      Lists all the PortTypes published by this Service
    • GetPortTypeList
    • GetWSDLForPortType
    • GetTypeSystemsList
    • GetXSDForTypeSystem
  WSIL:  Link to WS-Inspection document of Services here